Thursday, March 08, 2007

List of job consultants (head hunters) in bangalore

I was going through my hard disk and found this interesting piece of info. All of us are pissed off by 100s of head hunter mails landing in our mailboxes. Confess it , we all curse those mails and most if the time delete it without even reading. Last year I just started collecting them in my yahoo mailbox on a whim! Then one day i just wrote a small script to get the emails of all those head hunters. Most of them are from bangalore (not surprising, considering my location) and a small number are from chennai,hyderabad , pune and delhi region. This list may be helpful for mass mailing to consultants ( Yah I like the idea, Give them back proper ;o)

But first here is the procedure, in case you decide to create your own list

This is the procedure to extract consultant emails

# save consultants mails in one separate folder of
yahoo mailbox.
# do this for 1-2 , 3 months.
# Go to yahoo mail options | General preference | and
select 100 mails per page view
# copy+paste all the headers into text file
# now, before running this program, remove spaces
before and after the @sign
# inside mailbox-dump-file using vim editor
# : 1,$ s/[ ]@/@/g
# and :1,$ s/@[ ]/@/g
# run this script with
# perl | grep "@" >
# To concat 2 or more final lists
# cat clist* | uniq | tee megalist.txt
open (list,$ARGV[0]) || die " file not found \n" ;
@bucket ;
while ($line = ) { @words = split(/ /, $line);
push(@bucket,$words[0]) ; }
undef %saw;
@saw{@bucket} = ();
@emails = sort keys %saw;
foreach (@emails) { print " $_ \n" ; }

And Here is the list that you can download from esnips
© Life of a third world developer
Maira Gall