Saturday, December 09, 2006

JSON data with ruby rails

My requirement is to fetch the JSON data from rails server and use it to update the place marks on a google map. I start with a view form that submits the user query. I am submitting this query form using the form_remote_tag


<%= form_remote_tag (:update =>; 'searchMapResults',:loading =>; "'spinner')",:complete =>; " Element.hide('spinner') ; ",
:id =>; 'searchMapForm' ,
:url =>; {:action =>; :searchMap}) %>;

Next, we go to the controller action that handles this request. searchMap action should fire a SQL query, load some data in instance variables and return part of data as JSON string to the UI. The controller action looks like

def searchMap
 # get the area and search token
 filter = params[:filter]
 binds = 

 sql = { some sql ..... }
 @pmarks = Pmark.find_by_sql [sql, binds] payload =
 points =

 @pmarks.each do |pmark|
 point =
 point[:latitude] = pmark.latitude
 point[:longitude] = pmark.longitude
 point[:name] =

 point[:description] = pmark.description 
 payload[:markers] = points 
 @jsonData = payload.to_json
 logger.debug( " gloo : markers json data" + @jsonData);
 render(:layout => false )


We fire a SQL query and load the results. Next we create a Hash (payload) of arrays (markers) of hash (point). we convert this payload RUBY data structure to JSON string using the Active support JSON gem. I installed this gem using command

$gem install json

This gem provides a ready made to_json method. Next step is to use this JSON data string inside our view and javascript files. Our searchMap.html (view for this action looks like:)

loadPoints('<%= @jsonData %>');

And finally inside a loadPoints javascript function we evaluate the JSON data and use it.

function loadPoints(content){
 var jsonData = eval('(' + content + ')');
  for (var i=0; i<>


© Life of a third world developer
Maira Gall