Saturday, May 19, 2012

Nice looking Debian Wheezy Desktop

Well, if you do not mind 1000 extra packages and 100 MB of extra memory then I would suggest you install Linux Mint LMDE edition. The nice thing about mint LMDE is that you get a nice looking desktop with the choice of MATE or Cinnamon. The fonts and rendering looks nice out of the box.

However, if you have just started with the Debian net installer and just installed your desktop then the rendering and fonts may be a bit out of shape! You may wonder if your 1300$ LCD screen is not seen by Debian at all! Fret not! With little patience and work, we can make our Debian desktop look real nice and polished.

Fix font configuration

We first copy the ubuntu font config files in Debian wheezy following the steps outlined in 
After that we install microsoft ttf fonts 
$sudo aptitude install  ttf-mscorefonts-installer

Now we reload the font config and clear the old font caches

$sudo fc-cache -fv 
$sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config 
$sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig

Fix font aliasing and rendering

The following combination works for LCD screens
System | Preferences | Customize L&F  (or whatever is equivalent for your DM of choice)

  • Turn subpixel hinting to RGB
  • Turn on font aliasing
  • Set font hinting to  slight

Change Mouse cursor

$sudo aptitude install dmz-cursor-theme
$ sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme

Preferences | customize L&F | Mouse cursor 
select DMZ white theme and you get a sane mouse instead of default x-cursor (circa 1991)

Install Flash

 Download 64 bit flash player from Adobe site, unpack
 $sudo cp /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/.
 restart iceweasel, try viewing a youtube video.

Change login screen

By default wheezy is using gdm3 and the gdm3 login screens are, well, yuck! To change gdm3 login screen, one "simple way" is to create a new symlink for /usr/share/images/desktop-base/login-background.svg that points to your new login splash background. Please note that only the .png files work. The .jpg files would not work in this scheme.

Install lightdm

This provides a much better looking login screen. 

$sudo aptitude install lightdm 

verify that lightdm is the new display manager in /etc/X11/default-display-manager

To configure
$dpkg-reconfigure lightdm 

To change lightdm login screen background (greeter background) change background in /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf (PNG images

After all these changes you will have a shiny looking Debian Wheezy Desktop :D Enjoy'

VMWare tools on Debian Wheezy inside Fusion

I have an early 2011 intel macbook and I run linux VM using Vmware fusion 4.x. Earlier I was using an Ubuntu VM for development that had 2.6.x kernel. Now, I wanted to upgrade my development VM to Debian wheezy for assorted reasons.  One of them was having a rolling distribution because I do not want to full upgrade my installation all the time.

The problem with installing Debian wheezy or any other linux 3.x series kernel in vmware fusion is that the vmware tools shipped with fusion is not compatible with linux 3.0 and 3.2 kernels. The VMware tools only work with 2.6.x kernel headers. Now this is a big headache as I need to mount my macbook directories inside my VM. Other nuisance is that your mouse will be captured inside vm window if you do not install the tools. in short, I want a life with vmware tools.

So open-vm-tools came to my rescue. This is one of the moments in life when you did not know about existence of something that is so essential to your existence! All my life of running linux VM on macbook and I did not know that this project exists! As it happens open-vm-tools are rolled with Debian so installing them is super easy.

First install the prerequisites

$aptitude install linux-headers-`uname -r` libx11-6 libx11-dev xorg libxtst6 psmisc build-essential ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk

The Debian wiki mentions x-window-system and x-window-system-core but those packages are now provided by xorg. Now install the open-vm-tools packages using $sudo aptitude install

  • open-vm-tools 
  • open-vm-dkms      
  • open-vm-tools-dev  
  • open-vm-toolbox 

After the installation, try querying the vmware tools modules

%modinfo vmxnet
%modinfo vmhgfs

if the required kernel modules are not loaded then we have to do so via dkms (Dynamic kernel module support). To install required kernel modules

% dkms add open-vm-tools/2011.12.20
% dkms build open-vm-tools/2011.12.20
% dkms install open-vm-tools/2011.12.20

Last number in red is the module version, you can get this number by using  
$sudo aptitude show open-vm-tools 
Look for version string (after the + sign)

Run modinfo again and verify that we have the required modules. Shut down the VM. Map shares using VMware fusion settings. Start the VM. Now we should have VMware tools loaded.

The output should match with the shared folders

To mount the shared folders, you can do something like. Here Public is the folder name that we shared via VMware fusion. We mount this folder at /mnt/hgfs.

$sudo mount -t  vmhgfs -v -o rw  .host:/Public /mnt/hgfs

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Send Email using SendGrid PHP library on Github

We are hosting the boxes on Rackspace right now and  we get 40,000 emails/month free of cost  from one of their partners, SendGrid. We use SendGrid to send  emails from our application written in PHP.  The SendGrid documentation suggests using SMTP relays and swiftmail-4.x library.  However, SendGrid also has a PHP front-end library published on github that makes it super easy to send emails.

Here is one complete test script

    require_once($_SERVER['WEBGLOO_LIB_ROOT']. '/ext/sendgrid-php/SendGrid_loader.php');
    $sendgrid = new SendGrid('your-sendgrid-login', 'your-sendgrid-password');
    $mail = new SendGrid\Mail();

       setSubject('Sendgrid github PHP library test')->
       setText('Hello World! from sendgrid library')->
       setHtml('Hello World! from sendgrid github lib');  

    $response = $sendgrid->web->send($mail);
    // Error Handling:- 
    // sendgrid->web method uses curl_exec CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER set. 
    // This means you will get FALSE
    // when the send method fails at network level.
    // you get JSON response back when curl is able to communicate with the server
    // success from API is returned as
    // {"message":"success"}
    // Error from API is returned as
    // {"message": "error", "errors": ["Bad username / password"]}


Though all SendGrid documentation exhorts you to use SMTP, I do not see a problem in using the WEB method.  As per this SO question, , " The  web API actually works faster than SMTP, as you only need to make a single cURL request to us to send a message, whereas with SMTP there's a lot of back-and-forth TCP chatter for connection, HELO, and such." 

Error checks are crucial part of any code. Here is my complete sendgrid wrapper complete with error checks. I do not want to throw exceptions because I want clients to handle the error their own way.

© Life of a third world developer
Maira Gall